How to Safely Extinguish a Campfire

fire camping

A campfire can be the heart of a camping experience, offering warmth, light, and a communal gathering point. However, a poorly-managed fire can quickly turn into a dangerous hazard, endangering not just the campers but also the surrounding environment. Knowing how to safely extinguish a campfire is a critical skill that every camper should possess. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you do it right.

Preparation: Tools and Equipment

Before even lighting your campfire, make sure you have all the necessary equipment to extinguish it safely. This includes:

  1. Water Source: A bucket of water, or a water container specifically for putting out the fire.
  2. Shovel: For stirring ashes and spreading water evenly.
  3. Heat-resistant Gloves: Optional but useful for handling potentially hot rocks or logs.
  4. Fire Extinguisher: For emergencies where the fire becomes uncontrollable.

Putting Out a Campfire: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Let the Fire Die Down

Start by letting the fire reduce to embers. Do not add any new wood or fuel to the fire when you’re preparing to put it out. Allow the wood to burn down to ash as much as possible.

Step 2: Spread Out the Embers

Use a stick or shovel to spread the embers and ash in the fire pit, creating a thin layer. This will help the water penetrate effectively, reducing the heat more quickly.

Step 3: Sprinkle Water

Begin to slowly sprinkle water over the embers while stirring. It’s important to apply water gradually; dumping a large amount of water at once can create a cloud of ash and hot steam, which can be dangerous.

Step 4: Stir and Test

After you’ve sprinkled water over the area, use your shovel to stir the embers and ashes. Make sure that water reaches all the materials, including any partially-burnt logs. Use the back of your hand to feel for any heat emanating from the ashes. If you still feel heat, the fire is not completely out.

Step 5: Add More Water as Needed

Continue to sprinkle more water and stir until everything is wet and there is no steam or sizzling sounds. Repeat the process until you’re sure the fire is completely out. This is crucial to ensure that the fire cannot reignite after you leave.

Step 6: Dispose of Ashes Responsibly

Once the fire is out, and the ashes have cooled, consider disposing of them responsibly. Some campgrounds have specific ash disposal areas. Never dispose of ashes in rivers, lakes, or other water bodies.

Emergency Procedures

If your fire gets out of control, call 911 or the local emergency number immediately. Use a fire extinguisher to control the flames if possible. Note your location and be ready to provide it to the emergency services.


Being responsible for your campfire is an essential aspect of ethical camping. Knowing how to extinguish a fire safely will not only protect you and your group but also help preserve our beautiful natural environments for future generations. Always remember the saying: «If it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to leave.» Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving your campsite.

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